Belleville Location

(973) 759-2222

Fairfield Location

(862) 210-8189

South Plainfield Location

(732) 667-7797

Knee Pain

Whether your knee pain is from an injury or caused by aging, it can be unbearable and significantly affect your quality of life. Knee pain can cause problems with walking, sitting, kneeling, playing sports, exercising, and climbing stairs. Our chiropractors at Signature Health & Wellness Center in Fairfield, NJ, and Belleville, NJ, understand that many Americans suffer from knee pain and are dedicated to helping provide their patients with a pain management treatment plan. 


What Can a Chiropractor Do for Knee Pain? 

Many patients experience knee pain based on wear and tear on the knee joint or arthritis. However, knee pain can also be caused by an injury, stressed ligaments, or an overstrained tendon. Chiropractic care can provide a noninvasive, non-addictive pain management treatment to help treat the root cause of your knee pain. We can help diagnose and treat knee pain using various techniques, including chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, physical therapy, and acupuncture. 

Eliminating the Need for Addictive Knee Pain Medications

Traditional medicine often masks the symptoms, prescribing addictive medications for pain relief. Unfortunately, these are just temporary solutions. However, seeing a chiropractor can provide a low-risk treatment plan without the side effects of prescription painkillers or invasive shots, or surgery. 

After a thorough examination and possibly imaging tests, we will diagnose the root cause of your pain and develop a treatment plan. Common causes of knee pain that can be treated without addictive medications include osteoarthritis, injury pain, referred pain, and excessive weight. We may also provide tips for at-home treatments and lifestyle changes to reduce knee pain. 

Chiropractic Solution to Knee Pain

Chiropractic care can help develop a targeted treatment plan using various diagnosis tools, including digital imaging. For example, some patients may suffer from knee pain caused by spinal issues, which can be treated with spinal adjustments and manual manipulation techniques. Hip and knee manipulation helps with mobilizing the joints and reducing inflammation. 

Your posture also impacts the knees; chiropractic adjustments can help realign the spine, ensuring body weight is evenly distributed. In addition, physical therapy can help patients build knee and leg muscles, encourage weight loss, and help to ensure long-term healing. 

Visit Us for More Information

If you are suffering from knee pain, call us for Signature Health & Wellness Center in (862) 210-8189 Fairfield, NJ, and (973) 759-2222 Belleville, NJ, to get chiropractic care. We can help diagnose the root cause of your pain and help develop a pain management treatment plan. 

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